Thomas Kirk
What Tom enjoys most about architecture is its versatility and opportunity to build connections. From the positive impact a high-performance building can have on the environment to connections made on social justice issues during a planning charrette to connecting a project to its community by working with local fabricators and tradespeople. The connections and opportunities for impact, to build the world we hope for, are limitless. Making the engagements even more valued are the people, both colleagues within the practice and the firm’s incredible clients. A favorite project for Tom, where myriad connections came to fruition is the Sumers Recreation Center; an athletics, recreation, and wellness center on the Washington University in St. Louis campus. This LEED Platinum facility offers students and staff a central place to engage in physical activity and meditation, to learn about nutrition and physiology, and to expand their horizons with the ever-changing programs offered in this daylight-filled hub.
Bachelor of Architecture, Temple UniversityProfessional Affilliations
Member, AIA Committee on DesignU.S. Green Building Council
Delaware Valley Green Building Council
Selected Honors and Press
- ULI Development of Distinction Award, Cherie Flores Garden Pavilion
- SCUP Merit Award, Sumers Recreation Center
- AIA Tri-State Honor Award, Blue Bottle Cafes