Guiding the Future of Emerald View Park
Emerald View Park is a 257-acre regional park comprised of public open spaces, greenways, trails and neighborhood parklets, located in the Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Mount Washington, Duquesne Heights, and Allentown. The recently published Emerald View Park Regional Park Master Plan was created to guide the future of this unique collection of open spaces, connecting the park’s “ecology, history, and culture” and preserving its significance at the neighborhood level while elevating its role as a regional destination. Our practice was proud to collaborate with a diverse project team and the City of Pittsburgh on the development of the master plan, working as a consultant to Merritt Chase Landscape Architects to advise on the architectural features of the park and be an active participant and facilitator in the community engagement process.
Initiated in the summer of 2020, the year-long effort to develop the master plan successfully navigated and overcame the challenges of the pandemic through virtual community meetings and workshops. While a majority of engagement occurred online, the project team also employed a variety of methods to reach members of the public who did not have access to a computer or the internet, including hanging posters in individual parks, stores, and popular neighborhood destinations, and conducting socially distanced surveys in coordination with community organizations. Learn more about the master plan process, analysis, goals and recommendations below.